Set up in 1995, the International Design Competition is advertised every two years by Trieste Contemporanea Committee and it is open to the designers born or resident in the central eastern Europe Countries.
The announcement asks for the execution of a three dimensional prototype and a series of studies on paper in response to the requested theme. The 1996 edition, for example, was dedicated to "Game, games", the one of 1998 to "Design for food". Once the participation terms are up, an international jury is assembled to select the most interesting work among the ones arrived and shows them in a conclusive exhibition.
Among these ones a winner is identified to receive a prize of £. 4.000.000.
All projects are supported by a publication-catalogue that reports even the names of all participants.

The Fourth International Trieste Contemporanea Design Competition requested this year the contestants from 17 European countries (Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldavia, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine) to design an object inspired by Travel.



Organization and information:


via del Monte 2/1 I- 34121 Trieste

tel. +39 040 639187 - fax. +39 040 367601

E mail:

Link to Home Page
Link to what is Trieste Contemporanea
Link to Program for 1999
Link to magazine on line
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