
international design contest

trieste contemporanea

Set up in 1995 by Italian scholar of aesthetics and design Gillo Dorfles, the Trieste Contemporanea International Design Contest is advertised every two years by the Trieste Contemporanea Committee under the patronage of CEI (Central European Initiative) and with the support of the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia. The competition is open to designers from Central Eastern European countries (CEI Member States included). The announcement asks for a project of an object in response to the edition’s provided theme. Once the participation terms are up, an international jury chooses among the most interesting projects the winners and a number of selected projects to be shown in a conclusive exhibition. A catalogue reports the results of the competition.

2024 seats of understanding (15th edition)

Previous editions:

2021 basics (14th edition)
2018 harbour for cultures (13th edition)
2016 waterline (12th edition)
2014 map pin (11th edition)
2012 double track (10th edition)
2010 pocketluck (9th edition)
2008 graalglass (8th edition)
2006 glassdressing (7th edition)
2004 ea-table glass (6th edition)
2002 fragile! (5th edition)
2000 travel design (4th edition)
1998 design for food (3rd edition)
1996 game, games (2nd edition)
1995 functional small-size object (1st edition)